A disgruntled librarian packs it up and leaves fabulous New York City behind,
going on random global adventures,
while simultaneously promoting literacy
and spreading the love of the written word.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

no fucking way

so i was checking my bank account online to see if the YMCA really did cancel my membership and stop my automatic monthly payments, when lo and behold i noticed that my balance was significantly higher than i had expected.  this particular account i had only left open for emergency use, like if for some reason i had to send a check to someone.  so i was only supposed to have a couple hundred dollars in it.  but this was like, significantly significantly higher.

now, many of you may know that i have a bit of an aversion to math (hence why i will not switch over to the metric system!).  but when i had left my job at the library i was pretty sure i had calculated how much money i would be paid in backpay and unused vacation time and all that.  but apparently, i had underestimated something, because according to my bank statement, the day before i left my ex-employer deposited AN ADDITIONAL FULL PAYCHECK into my account!  say what?!  do you know how much that is in nueva soles?!  mucho mucho soles!

what is the lesson here?  everyone should quit their stable jobs and run away to other countries.

miss dewey decimal 

p.s.  this picture is of a convent/church here in cusco.  it has nothing to do with this post aside from the fact that i like pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the surprise check! What a coup! Any chance you're also anticipating a tax refund from NY State in the coming months? They still owe, ya know.

    Checkbook Balancing for the Real World: just another useful class I wish I'd had in school....
